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example standard pass

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in aion classic, for example, there is a standard pass or event pass where you have 30 days to complete daily weekly and monthly tasks. i think this is a great incentive that people do this to get special items if you buy premium for it you also get very good enchantment stones or just the movement card that you can only unlock via the premium pass i could try to get a photo so that you can better imagine what i mean

i know aqion classic and aion are 2 different games but thought halt is still possible or?


many thanks



Edited by OptimusPrime8K

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Booblik    130
45 минут назад, OptimusPrime8K сказал:

in aion classic, for example, there is a standard pass or event pass where you have 30 days to complete daily weekly and monthly tasks. i think this is a great incentive that people do this to get special items if you buy premium for it you also get very good enchantment stones or just the movement card that you can only unlock via the premium pass i could try to get a photo so that you can better imagine what i mean

i know aqion classic and aion are 2 different games but thought halt is still possible or?


many thanks



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