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[Update] Cancel Entry. Suicide Item.

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TheAlmighty    1,151


Dear players,

With the update on 23/01/2024 we have made some changes to the server: added suicide item and removed "cancel" button from entry windows. You will find more details about these changes below.

Suicide item.

You can purchase the item from the NPC "General Goods Merchant" in the capital city (Sanctum/Pandaemonium), or in Sarpan
The item is stored in Special cube, and can be re-used. 




What is it for?
THis item can be used UNDER the textures in the following locations:
Kamar Battlefield (PVP)
The Eternal Bastion (PVE)
Iron Wall Warfront (PVP)
In case you're stuck under the textures in these locations, you will be able to use the item and lose all HP immediately, which will allow you to resurrect at the resurrection point inside the dungeon.

It is NOT POSSIBLE to use the item on the surface.


Cancel button.

The button was removed from the entry window from arenas and drengeons (Drengeons, Kamar Battlefield, Engulfed Ophidan Bridge, Iron Wall Warfront). Now, it is not possible to cancel the entry immediately.
We hope that this change will stop some of the players from such actions and from killtrade attempts. 



Answering possible questions:
-It is not possible to make the cancellation completely impossible;
-It is not possible to change the entry awaiting time;
-It is not possible to take the ticket from the player right after application;
-It is not possible to set the cooldown upon application. 

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