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Rifts to Morheim Lvl Restricted?

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Lovebird    12

Why? Why am I unable to rift into morheim unless I'm lvl 20-32? Asmo lvl 65 can be present, but only lv 20-32 elyos can be? What sense does that make? I used to gather vinna petals on retail at lvl 65 in morheim, so why in the world is there a level restriction on this server? 

Can you remove this??

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TheAlmighty    1,145


Morheim is not for 65 players, maybe you're confusing it with beluslan. 

We are not removing this restrictions so high level players don't kill low level players.

P.S. Don't quite understand the issue with asmos lvl 65 entering low level locations of elyos. This can be the quest [Spy] that teleports you to the corresponding location of the enemy faction.

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