
Enchanting Rates and Stones

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Xylum    0

Does anyone have any links to help with enchanting weapons and armour? As in, what stones and supplements to use for the best % of success?

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Konoyaro    71

Level 65:

Eternal + L105 = 80%

Mythic + L115 = 80%

Greater supplements = +15%

I'm not sure what happens after +10, but if I remember correctly the cap for success decreases to 60 (+15%), however in this one I'm not sure.

Sometimes a single enchantment stone can give you more than one level. After +10 every failure returns your enchant level to +10. Maximum enchant level sometimes gives you special visual effects on weapons too, but not in all cases.

Ancient Coin armours can be only enchanted to +5.

Some of the random stat armours / weapons has to be re-identified to reach the maximum +15 enchant cap.

Edited by Konoyaro
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Xylum    0

Legend! So I have a Discord Dagger as an example. Eternal Item. Using L105 stones + G. Supplements is a 100% chance up to +10?

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Konoyaro    71

95% to be precise. These were the retail rates. EuroAion states rates are retail, so it should work like it here as well. However L105 are expensive, supplements too, prepare for a big kinah sink. Finding good source for old content is very hard nowadays, I found this: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:uN0rUpsUHEQJ:www.mmowa.com/news/a/game_news/game_news_1598.html+&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hu


Chance of Enchanting

Level Difference Heroic Fabled Eternal Mythic
0 40% 20% 0% 0%
5 50% 30% 10% 0%
10 60% 40% 20% 0%
15 70% 50% 30% 10%
20 80% 60% 40% 20%
25 80% 70% 50% 30%
30 80% 80% 60% 40%
35 80% 80% 70% 50%
40 80% 80% 80%



Using Supplements

Supplement Type: Increased Chance by:
Lesser Supplements 5%
Normal Supplements 10%
Greater Supplements 15%


This source does not confirm the rates for mythic, but I will find a reliable source for that one as well. This only tests till +40 difference, but 4.6 has higher level stones too! :)

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Arcanee    1

So basically Stones above L119 for eternal and l129 for mythical are a waste of kinah?

What about different kind of stones like Blue/Gold rates used on f.e eternal gear?

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Konoyaro    71

Was something modified with the enchantment rates? I failed three times the +15 enchant on my eternal 65 with L119 + greater supplements. That should be 95% chance, it is very unlikely to fail it three times.

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TheAlmighty    1,151
57 минут назад, Konoyaro сказал:

Was something modified with the enchantment rates? I failed three times the +15 enchant on my eternal 65 with L119 + greater supplements. That should be 95% chance, it is very unlikely to fail it three times.


No, we didn't do anything with the enhancement chances. 

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