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Artisan Weaponsmithing instead of expert

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So I lvld weaponsmithing to 450 on my ranger but it sitll says artisan weaponsmithing instead of expert. which means, that I can't buy untradable recipes I need.

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So I just noticed my mistake because artisan weaponcrafting is above Experte weaponsmithing obviously. But weirdly enough I still can't talk to the expertt weaponsmithing Master on tigraki Island. I need to get the rscipes for crafted balaur scales. 

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TheAlmighty    1,151
3 hours ago, Whynachtsmann said:

So I just noticed my mistake because artisan weaponcrafting is above Experte weaponsmithing obviously. But weirdly enough I still can't talk to the expertt weaponsmithing Master on tigraki Island. I need to get the rscipes for crafted balaur scales. 


What does the NPC say?

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