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Map UI reset

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Sliiight    0


does anyone got this bug too ?

Im playing on triple screen resolution 5760*1080

Some of my settings are reset each time I take a tp or relog to the game.

Example the map is normally on my center screen but it resets to the extreme left.

It's annoying to set it several times a day...

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Sliiight    0

I reset windows but after I set my settings and cofirm, the map location was moving away again ><

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Konoyaro    71

What needs to be found out which file saves your map position, and in file permissions remove write access from every system entity. That might help to prevent Aion overwriting your custom placement. I did the same with SystemGraphicsOptions.cfg, because the fps unlock was deleted by Aion every start.

Edited by Konoyaro

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TheAlmighty    1,145

As it was said above, you need to set all the settings in the game to default (there's a button in the lower right corner of the settings window for this). This might work. For now I just can't see anyone doing this and reporting if it worked or not. 

If it didn't work, the other way is to remove the files SystemOptionGraphics.cfg and System.cfg and start the game. 

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AstonMartin    0

Defaults doesnt work but when i start the game with deleted SystemOptionGraphics.cfg and System.cfg resolution is ok but the map is still moving to the left top corner. Theres also problem with fov on 21:9 ratio, is there any chance that shugo console will ever work?

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TheAlmighty    1,145

Unfortunately, we can't suggest anything about shugo console as it is blocked by the anticheat, which we are not the developers of. 


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