
error cuando trato de inciar el juego

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when I try to start the game it tells me that "it cannot start with the installed version of direct x, a version of June 2008 or later is required", but I already have a later version installed.

error directX aion.PNG

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TheAlmighty    1,135


You need exactly June 2008 version as the error says. Not newer version.

DirectX. A sufficient version of the program (June, 2008) can be downloaded from the official website . Open the file and choose any folder where the file will be unpacked. Then go to the folder and open the installing file .exe, it will install the program if necessary. ATTENTION! After you launch the downloaded file, it will ask you to provide the path for the unpacking of the files. One more time: it is only unpacking! After the unpacking you must open the provided folder and launch the installation with the file DXSETUP.

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