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Cooperation with streamers

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TheAlmighty    1,151

Hello, dear streamers,

How to Set Up a Live Streaming Website in 6 Simple Steps | Dacast

Due to the growing amount of the abuses and complaints we have to change some conditions of cooperation and procedure of rewarding.

What do we offer to streamers?

Payment for your work in the form of donation coins (Ecoins) to your gaming account

Updates on the requirements:

  • Minimum streaming time - 7h per week;
  • Minimum 500 live views per week;
  • active streams – getting coins for streams where your character is just standing or is on crafting is impossible;
  • the videos must be saved on the channel;
  • high audience activity (a lot of comments) and live conversation with the audience (meaning that your streams, and therefore saved streams, must have comments. They must be comments from real people watching your stream. We do not take in account your own separate messages in the comments section, messages from bots and “driven up” comments*);
  • sound (do not mute your videos);
  • weekly provision of statistics in the specified format (for more information, see below);
  • the streams must be under the category of Aion and the name of the server Euroaion 4.6 (or EA 4.6). If this requirement is not met, the amount of coins will be lower.

*Comments having no meaning (separate letters or meaningless mixture of letters filling the comments section in order to increase the numbers in the statistics).

How many Ecoins can you get?

The number of Ecoins received is individual for each streamer. The amount will be counted according to your stats. The maximum amount of coins per week is 3500.

Please, pay attention! "Live views" do not influence the amount of coins that you get. It only influences your entry to the program!

Updates on the rewarding procedure (19.02.2022):

The coins are accounted to the streamers once a week on Mondays. We set aside a separate day to work with streamers and can't do it on other days!

You need to send us an email to (every Monday) with the following content:

  • link to your channel;
  • your username for entering the game (which will be credited with donation coins);
  • link to the video of your channel's statistics for the previous week (from Monday to Sunday inclusive):

We are also changing the way of application for the rewards: starting from the upcoming Monday, instead of screenshots, we are asking you to provide videos of how you open the weekly statistics, set the analysed period, stats and diagram. 

The video must include:

  • average viewers
  • maximum viewers
  • time streamed
  • unique chatters
  • live views



Example (the stats on the video are different, you must set them according to the list above):


The video can be uploaded to Google Drive, youtube, streamable, or you can leave it on your channel, but don't attach it as a file to the mail.
Please, make sure you open access to the file by the link!

Some of you may find the new system less convenient, but this is the only way to prevent the unfair streamers from getting higher amounts of coins than they deserve. We have tried to find other ways of checking the channels, including the 3rd party services (e.g. twitchtracker and similar), but they all give wrong and different numbers, therefore we can't trust them. So, sending a video is the only way.

In case you don't meet the requirements, you will not get the reward. For the attempts of deceit and for providing misleading and false information, as well as in cases of cheating on the numbers of views/comments, the punishments may reach accounts blocks. All the further discussion will not be possible.

What you should NOT do:

  • send information if your channel does not meet the requirements;
  • send information on any day other than Monday;
  • send information wherever possible (mail, forum, discord) or several messages to the email;
  • send repeated messages before Wednesday if case if you haven't received a response. Sometimes, due to the huge number of messages, we can't process them in one day. Therefore, the accounting of coins occurs both on Monday and Tuesday. If you re-send messages, the process of getting coins will be significantly delayed.
  • if we gave you a response to the message about the number of credited coins, but you do not see them, keep in mind that the coins are do not get displayed right away (server cache). You need to wait for about 2 hours. If the coins did not appear, you can contact us. Sometimes we can make a typo. All actions are logged and this issue is very easy to solve.

All of the above restrictions and inconveniences are created for one purpose - to give out coins to each of you as quickly as possible. If we follow these simple rules, everything will be easy and fast.

We will be very happy to see you among the streamers and players of our server!

The administration has a right to reject or stop cooperation with any streamer without without giving any reasons


Risks associated with streams:



Recently, users streaming the game on free Aion servers have started to experience problems in the form of warnings/channel blocks for copyright infringement. According to the rules of Twitch and YouTube, this is normal and they have the right to do it. But no one had ever touched anyone before. We don't know why all this has happened right now. Most likely, everything will get better over time and there won't such blocks, as there were none before.

Therefore, all streams are made at your own risk. The server administration is not responsible for receiving "sanctions" from streaming platforms.



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TheAlmighty    1,151

Dear players, 

Please, check the changes, that will be in power on the next week (23.10.2023, rewards on 30.10.2023):

Updates on the requirements:

  • Minimum streaming time - 7h per week;
  • Minimum 500 live views per week;
  • active streams – getting coins for streams where your character is just standing or is on crafting is impossible;
  • the videos must be saved on the channel;
  • high audience activity (a lot of comments) and live conversation with the audience (meaning that your streams, and therefore saved streams, must have comments. They must be comments from real people watching your stream. We do not take in account your own separate messages in the comments section, messages from bots and “driven up” comments*);
  • sound (do not mute your videos);
  • weekly provision of statistics in the specified format (for more information, see below);
  • the streams must be under the category of Aion and the name of the server Euroaion 4.6 (or EA 4.6). If this requirement is not met, the amount of coins will be lower.

How many Ecoins can you get?

The number of Ecoins received is individual for each streamer. The amount will be counted according to your stats. The maximum amount of coins per week is 3500.

Please, pay attention! "Live views" do not influence the amount of coins that you get. It only influences your entry to the program!

Required tabs in the statistics:

  • average viewers
  • maximum viewers
  • time streamed
  • unique chatters
  • live views

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TheAlmighty    1,151

Dear streamers, 

We are reminding to you, that the target of the program is to attract new users to the server, and not just sponsorship for the streamers.
Coins are the reward that we give too you for helping to the project.

We are not interested in rewarding the streamers that stream other projects of Aion together with ours. Warnings have already been sent to some of such users.

We have as well decided on paying more attention to the give-aways that most streamers do on their channels, and to add some rules for them. From now on we will evaluate the chatters more strictly as many streamers drive up this index with give-aways. 
The minimal sum for giveaway is set to 500 coins. If you make a smaller give-away, it won't be counted in the rewards. 

We are also slightly changing the system of counting the rewards. Some streamers might notice differences.

Category and name of the server in the streams are obligatory, and ignoring this requirement will lead to lower rewards.

Hope for your understanding and wish you fun in game!

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