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[Competition] The best moments with Euroaion!

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TheAlmighty    1,140



The grand event has come: 3 years ago, our server opened for young Daevas who breathed life into Atreia! 3 years is a big date, and therefore all players are provided with a lot of fun and pleasant surprises! The spirit of the holiday is already in the air, filling the heart with a sense of beautiful and exciting magic! All the Daevs were looking forward to congratulate their friends and legion mates with Birthday of Euroaion!

We invite you to congratulate your favorite server on the birthday and show yourself. Videos, screenshots, fan art, artistically designed quotes from the game are welcomed for participation in the competition - any works that reflect your feelings and emotions during the game on our server. Give free rein to your imagination and your creativity!



  • for participation, you need to place your work in a special topic, the number of works from one participant is not limited;
  • the work must be prepared specifically for this event (participation in other events with the same work is not allowed);
  • the topic of the work is strictly limited - "Best moments with EuroAion!";
  • the screenshots and other similar materials must be of high-quality (screenshots must be designed without interface (F12), the rule does not apply to works designed in the "collage" style);
  • the screenshots must contain the logo of our server;
  • the use of profanity is prohibited;
  • it is prohibited to use other people's works! Those caught in plagiarism will be disqualified.

The period of the event: 

from 07.10.2022 to 23.10.2022
Announcement of the results from

Evaluation of works:

The winner will be chosen by the server team. 

And now about the main thing - Prizes:

  • Fashion Shark Costume


For all participants


The 3 winners will receive:

  • 5 tempering solutions
  • 3000 e-coins
  • 1 remodel on your choice (armor/suit/weapon/headgear/wings) 
    P.S. if the chosen remodel is "set", then the whole set is to be issued.

P.S If the appearance has the status "set", then a full set of items is issued.

Works must be published in the separate TOPIC 


May inspiration come with you!

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