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  1. magicial accuracy for chanter

    Hi my question is especialy to chanter players who is the know from first hands.. 1.Does Chanter need magicial accuracy for more stun and knock down ? did u guys test it ? if its doesnt effect much either doest effect in general so gettin atk/crit or atk/hp would be much better for us ı researched but ı didnt find exactly thing who says yes it does who is says nope its doesnt effect so ı call all chanters and game profs 2. Rangers need maac cause they are using spell-skill for sleep (Sleep arrow and sleep trap as a example ) they have no dmg and they are depended maac its can be understandable but stumble knock down and etc is physicial ability-skill so are u mates sure did u test it ? thanks for answers
  2. SPAM

    Thanks for attention it was really annoying
  3. SPAM

    can u ban them or can u do something about that they are destroying the forum ?
  4. Asmo and elyos

    When ı enter asmo feel empty some times enough but generally feels empty is only me thinkin like that guys ?
  5. İts look like a minecraft what is it
  6. Когда я говорю, давайте приведем ежемесячную систему, это система. Через 1 месяц после открытия учетной записи будет активирована система голосования и они смогут увидеть кто прокачал, кто читерил, кто ждал 1 месяц на 1 уровне. Админ уже объяснил, что они открыли новый аккаунт сразу после бана и посещать его нет смысла, так что это сэкономит админам необходимое время и т.д. Мы могли придумать много идей и сделать что-то вместе, но реакция, которую я получил, была просто смешной. Он сказал, что они откроют новый счет и подождут 1 месяц, и произойдет то же самое.
  7. Неважно, найдем ли мы самое крутое решение и предложим его или что мы думаем. Если админы что-то решат, так и останется. Мы должны перестать писать, чтобы наше время и идеи не были потрачены впустую. никто не заботится о нас
  8. Vote for us!

    95% of players do not wanna remove ecoin systm but if admins want its doesnt matter your opinion either mine, either ours soo ı ll keep playin so if ı see so much shity economy and 2kk ea e coins or somtinhg its mean ( Here's time... has come.)
  9. Pay-to-Win & Bye Ratings

    150 Ec not so bad you know and this is not only mean 150 ec in a month you can buy inside the game ''Ecoins'' but if you remove that tthere have 1-2k players online its mean more than 150 think like 150*1500 ecoins right ? if you remove that ec gonan increase new players cant reac easly economy gonna down why you just do not keepin that system jsut start nobody wants that ? dont you wanna player'S happynes ? ım playing since 2022 12*150ec its mean 2k ec nearly to mean not so bad for me please think another think my friend
  10. You said “we after baning them when they do vote cheating but after a while they keep doing again” I recommened to you do one Month system so you can check them much easly. if they do not 65 İn a month you can check them if they are cheating or not much trustable and good Than before. İf you do not Change your mind there will be also increasing stream abusing amd cheating destroying game econmy ı never see you guys to listening the player's thougths just listen one time !
  11. Pay-to-Win & Bye Ratings

    You said “we after baning them when they do vote cheating but after a while they keep doing again” I recommened to you do one Month system so you can check them much easly. if they do not 65 İn a month you can check them if they are cheating or not much trustable and good Than before. İf you do not Change your mind there will be also increasing stream abusing amd cheating destroying game econmy please answer to ellowain and me
  12. Pay-to-Win & Bye Ratings

    Why are we punished for cheaters ? You guys can try the add 1 month after account creation you can vote. this is much better. try new ways only banning not the solution or closing from the root I love this server ı would like to give free vote but this is not we deserved so ım sorry ''no coin no vote'' ı do not wanna see 2kk ea that system have years and years suddenly closing will damage game economy and players... that is not the best choice almighty you know that please re think and lets find together new ways to stop them
  13. vote reward bugged?

    No problem mate ı m taking +5 per 24h and that never been 10+ it was always 5+ check your id
  14. Cannot connect the game server

    Im starting from client, in the login screen ım writing id and password but after that ı take that error and ı cant login to the game. And also ı tried other server for be sure problem is from me or what and ı downloaded 3 server and 3/3 is opening only Euroaion gives me that error please help me