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Everything posted by GodErsleid

  1. discord bans

    Gonna remove my post again? Maybe you should do something about your streamers who are asking for the attacks so they reset katalamize to farm HP? You know, those free loaders who sit around farming e-coins on accounts that are not their own who insult any new player and zerg them into quitting. The reason you server doesn't grow is due to the amount of free loading people using modded clients + script software to play their class for them who also gain accounts via "sharing" but weirdly none of those are banned for things apparently against ToS (modding your client for an advantage)? If you can't take criticism and think everything is peachy that's fine, but faking your numbers and acting like everything is fine and like you're running the best private server ever is laughable. "No pay to win" when you literally sell things like lucky vinna and titles with higher attack speed that aren't permanent omegalul.