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Posts posted by Acrathus

  1. Most of the time I can't really play for a decent ammount of time before getting randomly disconnected from the server when my Internet is still up. I have looked everywhere for possible reasons/fixes and nothing has worked. I have disabled antivirus, added the game files to the exception list of the antivirus, tried playing through 5ghz and 2,4 ghz Wi-Fi (I don't have cable) checked I had the net.framework stuff, the microsoft C++ thingies, the directX, etc.

    I remember this was a thing for me in retail Aion all the way back in 2016-17, although the issue just kind of fixed itself at some point as I do not recall fixing anything myself. I suspect it has to be something on my side, but I'm clueless. This also only happens with Aion and no other games. In those I just experience a lag spike or two from time to time as Wi-Fi is not as stable as a wired connection.

    I read the "Possible issues with client" topic, and I downloaded PingPlotter pro. I have NO IDEA how to read what it says, but I did take a few screenshots as suggested, although I'm not sure if they're of any use.

    It seems to be a rather unique problem as I have not encountered anyone with such an issue, any help will be deeply appreciated.

