Well. First go in hide to north-east indiana depts, and look what they do. If some asmo came and wanna farm, he login on his another account, his nickname is " Seventhhokage " <- etertech and his friend " Prumprum" <- gunner, and they killings asmo, when someone came to farm from elyos, then he login' his asmo character "Alemotionsfaded" and his friend log into his gunner "Osorete" and kilings elyos. This is not enough a proof ? They spend there 24h per a day. How you think, what they do with kinah which they gain from IDs ? I don't know how i can put in here a video or pictures, but yes i have proof that they are just farming kinah for real money. You, as an admin, you can check they transactions inside they account then you will be see what they do with Bilions of kinach. Many server were died because of people like this. In elyos side already is much less people like were before and will be much more less because people mostly don't like a cheat. If some normal person wanna buy kinah, then can buy Euro-Coins and can resell in the game. But things like those guys doing is really toxicity for all server community. Don't belive me ? Just go to the hide and watch them, what they do there.
UP: My friend in asmo side bought from them kinah. I can get a proof but my friend afraid little a bit to get a ban aswell because he bought a kinah on discord.