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Everything posted by chasex3

  1. Aion FPS Uncap Guide

    This is my First Guide ive ever made so dont judge me. I created a Guide to Uncap the FPS in EuroAion. Aion Rainmeter is required for this so you have to download and install it. Aion basicly is 60FPS capped. With my Guide you can uncapp the FPS and have a new Game experience. Also the Guide inlcude a FPS Stability Guide too, that makes the Game smoother. Aion FPS Guide.pdf This is allowed beacuse it does not intervene in your skill or make you better
  2. Katalamize

    They are running. But its called Infinity Shard not Katalamize. Katalamize is used for GameForge Client. Also this server you will be ask about your gear not your skill. Its a Equipment server not a Skill server. Sadly.
  3. Server GP reset

    I support a Glory Points reset or a 50% Reduce of the Points. I see alot of new players that cant deal with the amount of Points Player have. I see that the Server is Online for Years so i think something about that is needed.