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Ich last won the day on March 6 2024

Ich had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

5 Neutral
  1. Missing skill effects

    Mein Spiel ist kaputt
  2. Missing skill effects

    Dear support.. Seit Wochen höre ich nichts von euch. Mein Problem besteht noch immer, es hat sich nichts geändert, alle Lösungsvorschläge waren ohne Erfolg. Bleibt das jetzt so oder passiert noch was? Soweit ich weiß bin nicht nur ich betroffen sonder noch einige wenige mehr. Bitte, schaut euch das nochmal an...
  3. Missing skill effects

    HelloHello Lil reminder.....my issues still exist...do u have a new idea to solve it? THe other players with the same problems still have them as well?
  4. Missing skill effects

    i Sent per eMail...hopefully that what u need
  5. Missing skill effects

    No changes for me. Still the same
  6. Missing skill effects

    I sent smth....i hope it´s that what u need ><
  7. Missing skill effects

    Uff, so i sent t wrong. i will try again Per eMail
  8. Missing skill effects

    Good evening, i dont wanna be annoying, but do u have any new ideas?
  9. Missing skill effects

    That checkbox wasnt activated....sooo....i still struggle with this shit ><
  10. Missing skill effects

    Sooo, any news?
  11. Missing skill effects

    I sent u smth per eMail, my whole folders. Hopefully u can find a mistake ur smth. I neeed to go to work now, i will check it in teh evening or send again whats needed.
  12. Missing skill effects

    HI, yes i uninstalled the Antivirus, but it didnt change anything. And no, i dont use any software to reduce the ping.
  13. Missing skill effects

    Hi, inactive Antivirus and inactive Firewall doesnt make any diffrence. I tried it twice. How to send the folders? I am only allowed to send 48,x mb, which is not enough. EDIT: i sent them per eMail
  14. Harassment on SWB

    If this name u use, Cuco is also yout ingame name (ranger?) then u should not complain so loud....i often had u in a random dred grp and u were the one who insulted ppl fast in an unfair manner. LIke a german phrase says (attentium, maybe a bad translaton:) : who is sitting in a house of glas should not throw with stones....