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  1. Where can I get Aion 4.6 version?

    @TheAlmighty I'm not lying look: FIRST screenshot: I've ,,Checked'' the game SECOND screenshot: The only avaible server is ,,GoldAion''
  2. Where can I get Aion 4.6 version?

    @TheAlmighty Btw. I'm logged in menu, and the only server I can pick is ,,GoldAion'' instead of ,,EuroAion''. Is that something wrong? Is that different server? How can I go to the most popular(I've heard) ,,EuroAion'' server?
  3. Starting location village[Aion 4.6]

    Hello, I played Aion in 2013 or 2014 year and I'm looking for one of the starting locations for Eyloys. It was village on the small hill with shops, training-dummies and ,,WINGS-TRANSPORT AIRPORT'' ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE GATE, where you pay money and you are transported with these wings to selected location. Can I find this location in Aion 4.6? It is important for me to see this location again aftert 8 years... I repeat: ,,WINGS-TRANSPORT AIRPORT'' ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE GATE. It's not ,,Akarians village'' because ,,wing airport' in this vilage is at the backside, in Aion 7.6 Please help...
  4. Where can I get Aion 4.6 version?

    @TheAlmighty Ohh, I couldn't download game from this launcher before, but now I selected option ,,torrent'' instead of ,,http'' and now I can download 44 gb game Anyway, thanks for help =D
  5. Where can I get Aion 4.6 version?

    Hi, I have installed the newest Aion 7.6. version, but to EuroAion needed is Aion 4.6 version. Could you help me get Aion 4.6 version? Where can I download this?