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  1. Accidentally bought the item to a wrong character

    character name: Likethewind item link:Neostar Shield (euroaion.com)
  2. Accidentally bought the item to a wrong character

    Side: Elyso Charname: Likethewind
  3. Accidentally bought the item to a wrong character

    Hello, today my friend accidentally bought 1 Shield for another ppl. But he dont know it is untradeable. So he mail it to himself. And when he trade with the other ppl......... Could administration help and return it to Ecoins?
  4. Shop items

    add this skin pls [item: 102100959] Wild Kitter's Cipher-Blade - Aion Codex
  5. Accidentally bought the item to a wrong character

    got it. tyy
  6. Accidentally bought the item to a wrong character

    I don`t play on that character. so i only need something which can be trade. Socketing Box is also fine for me, that i can trade it to my other character.
  7. Accidentally bought the item to a wrong character

    yes. i buy these Ecoins from other players
  8. Accidentally bought the item to a wrong character

    Charname: Maskotti Harehood [item: 110910386] : https://euroaion.com/en-US/shop/Details/110910386_1 Soft Kitty Hood [item: 110910379] : https://euroaion.com/en-US/shop/Details/110910379_1
  9. Hello, today I accidentally bought 3 Suits for a friend. But i dont know it is untradeable. So i mail it to my character. And when i trade with him......... Could kind administration help and swap these three for 6 x Assured Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Eternal) Side: Elyos Charname: Maskotti
  10. Shop items

    Hello, could you add this skin to the item shop? Wild Kitter's Cipher-Blade [item: 102100959] Wild Kitter's Cipher-Blade - Aion Codex
  11. Accidentally bought the surplus item

  12. Accidentally bought the surplus item

    Charname: Yunokimino Needed Item: Pet Distribution Card: Siberian Wild Tiger (Purebred) [item: 190000000] https://euroaion.com/en-US/shop/Details/190000000_1
  13. Accidentally bought the surplus item

    Hello, today my friend accidentally bought 3 Shield. One Fluffy Daru Shield is what she need. The others are what she bought for her friends. But she dont know this shield can not be tradeable. so..... Could kind administration help and swap the other two for a Pet Distribution Card: Siberian Wild Tiger (Purebred)? Side: Elyos Charname: Yunokimino
  14. Shop items

    Any chance for Blackberry's Corgi Plush? Blackberry's Corgi Plush - Aion Codex [item: 190100384]
  15. Shop items

    Any chance for Bunny Hat Tabby? Bunny Hat Tabby - Aion Codex [item: 190100344]