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Ryonx1 last won the day on June 24 2022

Ryonx1 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

5 Neutral
  1. New event Summer

    because is short in our server
  2. New event Summer

    Hello , why we don't have more events in game-server not on website ? because in game is more nice to all join and keep busy the players , in website-forum event not all players join here and there all time friends winners but in game all can join and have a fanny so no need winners , like example this one (down picture) or similar
  3. [Event] Cocktail Party!

    worse when u get wrong class trust me the felling
  4. [Event] Cocktail Party!

    i understand you , but there is random and can't do nothing with them and about lucky is worse then no have when i have and can't use them , not my class and what i can do with them ? skin?
  5. [Event] Cocktail Party!

    very bad becouse you can't do nothing with them just skin , why they not leave on the obtion just can put in warehouse for another caracter 😥
  6. Game crash in instance

    i have every 4-6 times error crash and kick me out from game , i follow all here but nothing change , is just problem with the client game version
  7. No quest for kill 10 officers Aethertech

    there is no any help or support ? no points to make pvp if no quest reward like godstone weekly
  8. Извини, Роналду, но я не играю в футбол, я играю в Айон.
  9. Продолжайте опускаться и будет меньше игроков
  10. Server & Game are Dying

    Server down again ?
  11. Hello , i need help on my caracter Aethertech , i have done all ranks 1-9 and now i looking for quest kill officers that shut be give Votan npc but dont give nothing so i search all npc on reshanta premium landing so there is no npc, all people say shut be Votan but there nothing .
  12. [Event] Munin's Ghost

    when will be next event ?
  13. Pluma fail and gone

    Hi can i have help here ? plume have ben destroyed and gone after i try upgrade from +3 to +4 , all my time and kinah that i spend to make +3 then i got one from event and i try to upgrade +4 and gone , am really felling to no played any more , is sad very sad