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  1. Problem ingame and with launcher

    Hi we don't use any torrent Client, but in the error xevii posted in his first post (screenshot) there is a stacktrace which refers the "MonoTorrent.Client" (we have the same error).. which I guess, seems to be the C# torrent client library which is used by the euroaion.exe (or Aion?) internally to download/verify the download..? Looks like it is trying to access something on the disk but it can't. Therefor we tried to run it as "Administrator" but that doesn't solve the problem.
  2. Problem ingame and with launcher

    did you find a solution? We're been playing for months now without problem, suddenly after a Sauro run we had the same problem?! Also with the crashes, and when "checking" the client with the MonoTorrent error...