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Dessy last won the day on May 16 2021

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22 Excellent

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  1. [Event] Beritra Treasures!

    Also the gap between +0 and +5 from some people is a thing nowdays in PvP way
  2. [Event] Beritra Treasures!

    Not at all many of those people use them on they're last part maybe even or sell them expensive Other events like higher chance to drop serum from every instance would have been better for anyone. Since now days the difference between +5 and +0 became so huge there no way to catch up properly with that
  3. Ban appeal of an innocent player

    the policy of teaming up is kinda very very strange. Some people getting banned and some people ( very old post ) getting not banned apologizes and statement from admin was strange there too but well maybe i just oversee something
  4. 2x2 Tournament "Killer Duetto of Atreia"

    This "PvP" event it's just failed... It could have been so good but now no one even came for the poor managing
  5. [Event] Can you catch our paws?!

    Well at least something decent enchantment stones , manastones Those events always sucks who tf needs storm wings weapon ? Level 55 There's nothing to get from
  6. [Event] Can you catch our paws?!

    Event for low level chars ? at least the rewards are so the rewards are really sucks i dont understand the ultimative greed i know its a private server but still
  7. The current even is trash as f+++
  8. [Event] Phoenix Assault

    It was advertised as a good giving event I don't expected to be a millionaire but this event is not very helpful or welcoming after the long break when all loyal players came back. 6 broken ceranium medals or some seeds are not helpful at all I'm not greedy but something a little bit better or decent was expected when i saw "pretty good giving pvp event" But it's true the seeds are useful for pvp
  9. [Event] Phoenix Assault

    No joke the gifts we got like the 30 days drop boost and so on was really great but this event is really a piece of trash i cannot understand to advertise this as a good event when you 90% of the time just get some broken medals
  10. Can't donate using card?

    just accept paypal and bann everyone who try to abuse it and just accept other payment methods
  11. Server Online!

    i have expected something better tbh The event sucks the most peope i know ( including me ) got just trash from the chests. From the advertising like super good giving event i have something better expected imo its even more worse than shugo instance
  12. Server restart

    Dude i have missed you the Guardian here. Sending much love and hugs Just saying that there shouldn't spread hopes where there is no hope. Also i wouldn't say so if i was in your case wasn't you the one who defended everything here with blood and sweat ? And wasn't you the one who was whining after your countdown expired example: "Soo poor management" I agree if someone have this opinion but not from someone like you who is quiet weird from what I saw so far from your posts excuse my Guardian i still love you Why shouldn't i be here ? I haven't hated the server at all i don't blame them too so don't cry and feel hurt in your heart Also you wrote about doing a own project so wtf are you still here and not doing your own project ?
  13. Server restart

    Servers are offline again i don't think that they worked with them and they haven't moved them to another server I'm sure . They announced today evening maybe but i think now not
  14. Server restart

    Right so let's pray that this rack will not be offline and online all the time same as the other racks always changing online and offline
  15. Server restart

    Nope same as the last 12 days. I'm pretty sure the game won't be online until mid / end of this week Our server is not online and also green servers always getting green , yellow , red green it's changing all the time Edit: Forget what i said seems like you are right the game is able to start and download noit anymore the message ( cannot connect to the server ) Lets pray that we can maybe even play today or tomorrow if they made every prepares before ( our EuroAion Team )