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Posts posted by regulusxs

  1. I suggest changing the hosting service even after the server opening. They managed this situation pretty bad. And EA staff should press more for their data and get their server running on another host. My friends almost fulled their gear on another server and i dont think a lot of people are not coming back after all of this time. I hope it gets resolved before server turns into a ghost town.

  2. I'm a guy, I know nothing about being a women in this world and never can learn. but I do see, everyday,
    everywhere. when ı opened my eyes the first time, looking at the left side of my bed. looking at the door of the room across the hall. I see my mothers kind eyes, my wife's warming smile, and my daughter's laugh that cannot be described as words. 

    these are the reasons why I love women.

    1. My Mother; in my first glimpse of the world she holds me,

    2. My Sister; when I fall from my bike, she's there to grab me,

    3. My Grandmother; when I feel lonely the times my mom is at work, she comforts me

    4. My First crush ; For Teaching me the butterflies in the tummy.

    5. My High school sweetheart ; For Teaching me the love can be hard sometimes.

    6. My Fiancé; for showing me the thrill of the looking at the person you wanna spend your whole life with. 

    7. My Wife; for being my life partner, giving me my daughter. giving me my home.

    8. My Daughter; for giving me her smile. what can I ask more as a father.

    These are the women in my life. for a lot of peoples lives. as guys having these women in their lives, I know you know. We love them so much.


    Regulusz - Asmodian

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