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  1. Ban he

    While I do agree that it is not a reason to be banned, since I don't think he broke any server rules, it is quite frustrating as a lowbie to be unable to farm mobs your own level because a 65 decided he should be the only one profiting off them. And people do care about those mobs. You can fill your bag and get about 4mil kinah, which isn't much for a 65, but it helps a lot those who are starting on the server.
  2. Ban he

    He won't level up because he is already 65. He mentors his alt and camps the 3 mobs with 100% spawn rate. I went there several times when I was still a lowbie some days ago and he was always there. I managed to farm for an hour or so one day, then he logged and started kill stealing from me. I wouldn't call it an exploit, but griefing, since he is not allowing lowbies to farm the mobs to get some kinah in the beginning of the game.