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Posts posted by Morningfrost

  1. Hey, if you can't find or get answers here, I'd suggest you to go to our Discord

    There you first chose your faction, after that you can also chose class, and get a channel for Bards. There you have players who play the class and you can ask all your questions. 

    I have to admit that myself are very bad at bard, played it till level 40 max, so I am not a good help.

  2. The server is slightly unbalanced, that is correct. There is more registrered Elyos then Asmos. But past months asmos has been more active in siege and followed their siegeleader. But last night it seems that Elyos turned around and united. Well done :) As I've said on Discord siege channel, IF Eloys got organiced for once Asmos would be supriced and lose a fort or two.

    The admins can't do anything to make players go to siege or follow leaders, that's impossible.

  3. It's about personal prefrence. But for duo things a dps togheter with a class who can throw a heal now and then is nice. Chanter in endgame are mostly wanted for support in groups, same with clerics. Bards don't have much heals in this patch but for leveling I guess it has desent enough 

  4. 3 hours ago, Souli said:

    Is evident that the people won't gonna use a payment method that they do not trust at all, internet payments are a hit or miss and if you do not have not trust intro a payment method, you won't gonna put your money at risk, if PayPal won't gonna be enabled again, maybe something that people trust would work rather that making them choose something on that never heared about

    Thing is that (as a discord supporter) I've seen first hand the issue with paypal. we had to work with 10 or more cases per day paying via paypal, and not getting their coins, the time and effort on tracking down the payment and see where the error is. So how to solve that issue?

  5. well what's happening now is that asmo side is dying due to that noone wants to lead siege, even your "join the darkside" rewards wont help. Boosting GP in allys and remove in groups are a good suggestions imo. I stoped going in allys when most ppl stoped, due to that I am high rank, and need a alot of GPper day to keep my rank.

    Last time this happened to ely side, asmo side stepped in, gave ely side a fort, to boost them (abyss one). And if I am not wrong in my memory, our siegelead back then even talked to elys side about finding a leader.

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  6. Easy to show the p2w part, it's a matter if you belive me or not. (and agree)

    the drop bost and value packs. which you buy from store with Ecoins, sure you can buy it ingame from a player who payed real money for them. So the player who are selling ecoins are a p2w player (not judging), but a game like aion is a game there you need a lot of kinah to socket and enchant gear, to craft/buy things you need. So inorder to get kinah many on this server sell their ecoins for kinah. 

    Just after you implemented the drop boost pack I did protest (directly to you and the admins), as many users ingame aswell said, it is p2w. the titels are also p2w. same with lucky vinnas, or the socketing aids.

    And don't say against me, beacuse then you clearly don't understand the concept of what p2w means.

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  7. Sorry Thealmighty, but "you" are allready way to close to retail. Specially in the department that nothing is happening. and in the deparment of not listening to users and being a p2w server

    Then I got a new suggestion for you, keep the daily tickets for arenas and those should give gp, but open up for free queses wihtout tickets that give ap. I think you would be supriced that ppl would most likley use it for a way to gain ap for gear/weps/exform and so on.

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    • Confused 1

  8. You are locking out a lot of players due to the gear/manastone socket rules. 

    Take me for ex. Fully supportcleric. I have 3 gears, one is full block, one is full mr and one is full hp. 

    it's a great idea, but you aren't letting in all players

  9. We do lack at the moment some new and fun pvp content.

    Try to add some of the later patches pvp arenas, maybe Runatorium.

    Also keep Arenas open all days/night without any tickets needed. Remove GP from them and "only" have ap.

    All the events that has been now latley are boring pve

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