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Everything posted by Hatsi09

  1. Can't accept terms

    Hi I found my old version of euroAion, i updated it and checked the game. Everythings finde, the game starts until the Terms comes which you need to accept or denine. No matter on which button i click, nothing happens, the game doesn't continue. I have played it last time on win 10 and now on my new computer i have win11 if this is a problem!? Thanks for help Hatsi09
  2. No server connection

    Hi everyone, since yesterday i can't connect to your server, your client says "I can't connect to server, please try later again". Are you doing some work on your servers or something, or is it just my personal problem with my computer / with my game? Thanks for help Hatsi09
  3. No server connection

    does somebody of you know what happend with our Charakters?? Are they transformed to the new server, or is everything we've done so far lost?