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Posts posted by Adronic

  1. Hello, I suggest a review to the "Ikivada" player.
    What happened was that I killed myself with two super fast attacks.
    I honestly see it too much.
    I would like them to review those who use external tools because the speed with which my character died was extreme, I have a fairly good set to kill me like that, not even a general has ever killed me that quickly.
    His attacks were super fast being mecca I saw that it is as if he did not have animations or the animations were faster than normal.
    I suggest that he be reviewed and banned if they deem it appropriate or impose the corresponding sanction.

    Thanks in advance, I hope we all have a fairer gaming experience without external tools.-_-

  2. Good morning, I write this post to suggest a report to the Muvik player.
    The situation was that I had created a party for Sauro and he asked me for a group, he joined the group and later he asked me for a leader, I assumed it was to put someone in but what he did was expel me from the group and on top of that he insulted me for free without reasons.
    I had to start setting up a new party when the party was mine from the beginning.
    I would like to see such players punished for their toxic behavior. Thank you very much in advance. Attached capture.111.thumb.png.caae13c9536a5ebcdd6df9f292e9c1cf.png