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Everything posted by zcpplayer

  1. Active Anticheat

    When i try to install the game i get an error "Acvite ANticheat Updater stop working" how to fix this ?
  2. Snowflakes event from lvl 50

    Are you really wanna change it to level 50 cuz there are snowflakes from previous years??? reason there are snowflakes is cuz ppl are selling them for 5kk/each ... do you even log into the game to track what is going on or you just collecting euros ?
  3. Cursor blinks

    Hello guys, my corsor in the game is blinking when i move it. Does someone have the same problem as me ? its not unplayable but very anoying..
  4. Refreshing Glory Ranking

    stop whine please... you can get army 2 back in 2 weeks casual playing
  5. Special maintenance 17.08

    apologise guys
  6. Special maintenance 17.08

    welcome to the club <3 reset incoming then again ddos then again reset and so on
  7. Special maintenance 17.08

    Hello drakness my old friend
  8. Attacks on the server

    so will some admin answer us or ? will i be able to play the game again, 3rd day no answer. Ur answer is to restart my router ? 812cf35vt=
  9. Attacks on the server

    So some players are playing the game getting gp, getting money having fun, other players are IP banned. How is that fair ? So ur sollution is to reset my router ? really? please stop server for 1 week, fix it and run it again. 2 months constant lag now im IP banned.
  10. [Event] Shugo Kingdom Adventure

    as always first 2 days of the event big drop and then nerfed to the ground
  11. Cursor blinks

    ty for fast reply and yes that was the problem. I installed newest nvidia drivers. 500+ smthing and i rolled them back to 430.X im fine now, ty : )