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4 Neutral
  1. Boss Stats

    Some values may be found inside the client but since these parameters are still managed server-side, they can be false in our case. However, if you want to run the math, you can still use these formulas to determine these stats yourself (the site is in french sorry, i didn't find any english ressources regarding formula prior to 6.0).
  2. Aucun son en jeu

    Hmm... As-tu plusieurs sortie son ? Aion laisse pas trop la liberté de le choisir du coup, si tu en a plusieurs cela peut venir de là. Après, j'avoue ne plus avoir trop d'idée sur d'où vient le problème.
  3. Aucun son en jeu

    Regarde si Aion n'est pas muet dans le mélangeur de son Windows. (Clique droit sur l'îcone de volume)
  4. Boss Stats

    On Aion Codex, you can find both HP & M.Supp. of the bosses. Set the language to English 4.x and search for the monster name (levels may be inaccurate sometimes, like for Modor). It doesn't display Spell Resist, P. Def. & Strike Resist, but I'm not sure if it's relevant.
  5. gathering max level

    Yes, you can't go above that. And yes, the message popping when you gather something 475p+ is annoying and stupid.
  6. Instance Names

    It's even a bit more complicated since the client has NA translations, but some people still use EU shortcuts. MKK refers to the 3 dungeons in Lv.65 fortress in Upper Reshanta (Miren, Kysis, Krotan). EOB (Engulfed Ophidian Bridge) is the 6:6 PvP battlefield. OB (Ophidian Bridge) is the PvE dungeon that is based on the same map. Both IS & Kata refers to Infinity Shard (Katalamize for EU). IO & RST is for Illuminary Obelisk (Rune Shield Tower for EU). LDR is for Lucky Danuar Reliquary (Runadium Bonus for EU - I think some people may use Runa Bonus as well). KB refers to Kamar Battlefield, which is a PvP 12:12 battle. IWW stands for Iron Wall Warfront which is the 24:24 PvP battle. EB stands for (The) Eternal Bastion. Some people may use SWB. Both TF & TS refers to Tiamat Stronghold (Tiamat Fortress for EU). And finally T-Dred is for Terath Dredgion.