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Everything posted by Lourhyn

  1. Download issues

    Hi, a friend of mine tries to download the game for 2 days now. Both launcher and torrent download are very very slow (via launcher it didn't even start after 13+ hours). Now with 79% via torrent he gets the message "error: data error (crc check)". No Aion downloading before or known issues with the hard disk. Do you have any ideas to make the download possible?
  2. Update Error (6)

    Hey, when I want to start the game it says there was an update error. This is only the case when I try to start the game the second/third time a day, it's not a problem the first time. I can only solve it by restart my pc, but I hope there is another solution. I can't check the client either and when I click Play it says "Anticheat Version is old, please update". Thanks in advance.
  3. Update Error (6)

    It can be so easy - adding the folder to the white list did work. Thanks a lot! Anyway here's a screen for you to have a clue of the error message. Edit: As I said before, when you click Play despite the error there opens another window showing the message "Anticheat Version is old, please update". Did not take a screen from it and now the problem is solved, so..