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Deadlydll last won the day on December 18 2020

Deadlydll had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

2 Neutral
  1. Come join us daily,dancing in pandemonium! With special guests from Black List legion ! 2021_02.12-15_03.mp4
  2. Slideshots with low ping

    How did u connect to Euroaion server with wtfast? Please tell me ty.
  3. [Event] Lucky Snowflake!

    Guess u haven t read the post which clarifies u have nothing in your head.When u have over 1500 snowflakes opened,why would i need to make more alts,while i already have maxed out ? Now i dont get it if u wanted the attention or just being simply dumb. ? Read pls before posting dumb shiet.I did said on the end,admins do what it pleases them
  4. [Event] Lucky Snowflake!

    Still event is about having fun,and being happy about something good hapening.All this event does to most of player is frustration and being angry.Guessing that is not the way u wanted it for the game.Or at least make after 500 fails ,u get something. But hey after all u are the admin so do what ever pleases u
  5. [Event] Lucky Snowflake!

    This is really stupid event.Over 350 snowflakes,.and not even 1 went on +10 .While 1 guy got from 8 flakes ,3 mythical drops out.This Logic is a failure .