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Antonio last won the day on April 1 2020

Antonio had the most liked content!

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15 Good

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  1. Hello, Please, write your nickname here and also be online in order to receive the quest. We are going to give you the quest manually.
  2. Встречайте лучших игроков PVP событий сервера за прошедший сезон! Арена покровительства: Iqwehqheqwyz, Dagoma, Argothon Mioxx Riv Арена славы: Wasserkocher Degcube Linch Боевая арена доблести: Dagoma Vootan Argothon Боевая арена хаоса: Adei Madmuffin Pyromachines Поле битвы Камара: Disappointment, Cubedeg, Annoyance, Promise, Bear, Emenems, Degcube Kitsuunee Morningfrost Тоннель Йормунганда: Riv, Hakurin, Argothon Banek Kinnari Дерадикон Садх Cherrie Twoways Smurfi Все пользователи из списка получили награды в виде: 1 место - Большая подарочная коробка: 2 место - Небольшая подарочная коробка: 3 место - Маленькая подарочная коробка: Каждый из Вас может побороться за звание лучшего PVP игрока в каждой из категорий! Впереди целый месяц - покажите всем на что вы способны! Пусть ваши ники узнает каждый игрок сервера!
  3. Meet the best players in PvP events in the last season! Arena of Harmony: Iqwehqheqwyz, Dagoma, Argothon Mioxx Riv Arena of Glory: Wasserkocher Degcube Linch Arena of Discipline: Dagoma Vootan Argothon Arena of Chaos: Adei Madmuffin Pyromachines Kamar Battlefield: Disappointment, Cubedeg, Annoyance, Promise, Bear, Emenems, Degcube Kitsuunee Morningfrost Ophidan Bridge: Riv, Hakurin, Argothon Banek Kinnari Terath dredgeon: Cherrie Twoways Smurfi All the users in the list receive the following rewards: 1st place - Large present box: 2nd place - Normal present box: 3rd place - Small present box: The ranking of the players on the website will be reset after the next maintenance. Everyone can fight to become the best PvP player in every category! The whole month is ahead! Show what you can! Let every player on the server to know your nickname!
  4. Virtual machine detected

    Hello @Cliffcamer, In order to avoid getting this error, you need to disable intel-vt from your BIOS. Instructions on how to do it here: We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope to see you in game! Thank you!
  5. Доброго времени суток уважаемые игроки! Утром (10.06) в 09:00 по МСК, сервер будет отключен для выполнения технических работ. Время недоступности сервера 30-60 минут! Спасибо за внимание и до встречи в игре после технических работ.
  6. Maintenance 10.06

    Hello, dear players! In the morning on 10.06 at 08:00 am server time, the server will be unreachable due to the maintenance. Works will last around 30-50 minutes! Thank you for attention and see you in game after the maintenance!
  7. Hello, dear players! Did you knew that EuroAion has a discord server with over 3.000+ members ? In the Discord server we have you can get in touch with almost every player from our server. Talk about your favorite moments while playing EuroAion, how your day went, recruit members for your legion, find group members and much more. But in order to do all of those, you first must read the rules and get assigned with a role! Discord server rules: How to get assigned with a role: The official staff members of the Discord server are: We are waiting for you and your friends to join our Discord server through this invite link:
  8. Доброго времени суток уважаемые игроки! Утром (29.05) в 9:00 по МСК, сервер будет отключен для выполнения технических работ. Время недоступности сервера 30-60 минут! Спасибо за внимание и до встречи в игре после технических работ.
  9. Maintenance 29.05

    Hello, dear players! In the morning on 29.05 at 08:00 am server time, the server will be unreachable due to the maintenance. Works will last around 30-50 minutes! Thank you for attention and see you in game after the maintenance!
  10. I can not log in

    Hello! The server has been restored. We apologize for the interruptions and inconveniences. Thank you for your patience and understanding! Compensation for outages will be issued when we are satisfied that the server is healthy.
  11. Help!!!

    Hello! The server crashes that happen this night and day are caused by the DDOS attacks on the server. The attacks are unusual, they're are very specific. They are directed ont the game ports and imitate the actions of the players. Fighting these attacks is not an easy task. Now we are working on solving this issue. The server is online, but we recommend you to restrain from going to the dingeons. We are working on it and will do everything possible to solve this issue. Best regards, The EuroAion team.
  12. unable to login

    Hello! The server crashes that happen this night and day are caused by the DDOS attacks on the server. The attacks are unusual, they're are very specific. They are directed ont the game ports and imitate the actions of the players. Fighting these attacks is not an easy task. Now we are working on solving this issue. The server is online, but we recommend you to restrain from going to the dingeons. We are working on it and will do everything possible to solve this issue. Best regards, The EuroAion team.
  13. Server down

    Hello! The server crashes that happen this night and day are caused by the DDOS attacks on the server. The attacks are unusual, they're are very specific. They are directed ont the game ports and imitate the actions of the players. Fighting these attacks is not an easy task. Now we are working on solving this issue. The server is online, but we recommend you to restrain from going to the dingeons. We are working on it and will do everything possible to solve this issue. Best regards, The EuroAion team.
  14. We need communication

    Hello! The server crashes that happen this night and day are caused by the DDOS attacks on the server. The attacks are unusual, they're are very specific. They are directed ont the game ports and imitate the actions of the players. Fighting these attacks is not an easy task. Now we are working on solving this issue. The server is online, but we recommend you to restrain from going to the dingeons. We are working on it and will do everything possible to solve this issue. Best regards, The EuroAion team.
  15. Name change

    Hi ! You must wait for us to clean the old nickname from the history list, during a maintenance. Unfortunately we just had one yesterday, so, i cannot tell you when we'll have another one. Thanks !