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Posts posted by Maelok

  1. Back in the day before ps and there was only aion most the sins i knew as well as ranger were all crit characters all stones were crit and the gears I can't recall the name but they were aby gears and coin gears unless you got a nice dropped set of gears which I think there are actually wikis now so you can look up what gears to hunt from what mobs, Kromede if I am spelling it right was a big deal back in the day for the extending weps the boss drops as well as some decent jewls for specific levels.

    Anyways, As i was saying....Crit is the way most went however there was a couple sins that went cloth and magic and went around aby and everywhere else just murdering people left and right at one time.

    Not sure if this helps you or not hopefully it does, Back in the day on the original game during mass murders lol you could look up the people that were murdering everyone and all the gears they had were from the abyss +15 and fully setted gear. So yeah upgrading your gear is very important as well and costly and can be stressful when your spent all you money trying to get to +15 on just one piece of gear lol.

  2. I am new to the server as well, I have ran into pretty cool people everywhere from the start.

    The community seems pretty decent to me and they do reply on the forums and am pretty sure if it's a serious enough issue the owners of this game server would probably show up ig to see what's up.

    I am finding that the players do also craft which is pretty sweet you know from skins to well hopefully better player made gears with slots etc,,

    Point is lol, It is pretty active on the market which is sweet.

    I played on the game back when it wasn't f2p and then as patches changed and it went f2p I went back to the game and it was ruined lol im.

    The 4.6 patch was always my fav, Be days where they were work order days no leveling just work orders lol and loved it.

    The amount of players is similar to aion also gotta remember dual boxing so some of the numbers are from that as well.

    As for the pvp...Am not sure yet, I love the free gear you get but for future pvp getting the proper gear is a good idea and finding a cool legion is also important but I haven't gotten that far yet and am rambling sorry.

    So, From my experience so far....I would say it is worth giving it a try and having some fun and people seem pretty cool so yeah good times.

  3. If I wanted to play those other patches I would be on another server with said patch.

    I play here for the specific patch 4.6 as many stated before it went to shit regardless of this upgrade or not, This server from what I have read since it started is dedicated to the 4.6 which is awesome that they have stayed the course and continue to do so!

    In fact it is for me the main reason why I play this server, there are not many 4.6 servers worth a shit trust me I tried em out and there so far are only 2 that I am truly in awe at how well everything has taken off for said servers, I tired the high rate 4.6 etc...I do not like them, If i wanted to be cap lvl the moment I log into my character might as well go play real aion and quest and be max lvl in a few hrs, That is not what I am looking for otherwise I would still be playing it.

    Crafting has always been a major thing for me I love and will spend countless hours doing it with no regret at all.

    4.6 is what has gotten the amount of players I see everywhere and I probably have seen some of you on other servers checking them out as well.

    Am happy to say as long as this server stays at 4.6 me and my friend's will be playing it and having as much fun as back before they changed the original.

    I may not be a forum poster and lurk here most the time I am in game making characters the one's I used to play and love playing to this very day oh and crafting lol.

    So, Please "Don't Ever Change the 4.6 patch!"

    Thank You.

  4. On 11/6/2020 at 2:43 AM, Fonkey said:

    I don't really know but just download some datameter like Netbalancer and try it out.

    Thanks so much for that info!!!

    Sorry, Would have replied to this sooner but had to do some testing.

    Turns out with the Netbalancer that for an hour of game play I use way less data playing on a server in Europe then I do watching 43 mins of a program on hulu or netflix which is pretty awesome so again thanks for that info it helped out a lot and am now playing and having fun.

    Thank You.

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  5. Was it a skin you seen in game?

    I know that when I start playing a server such as this one the first things I start doing if my crafting because it's fun and you can make lot's of different skins providing you have the recipes for them.

    If the skin is in game perhaps ask the person who has it how they got it, If it's not in the 4.6 patch then you may not see it, A topic regarding hair and color and so on was created and the reply would be similar here, If it is not a 4.6 item it can't be changed because the entire patch would have to be upgraded just to accommodate the skin.

    However if it is from this patch or a patch prior guess that would fall on the design team if there is one.

  6. Sadly there is a saying, "If it ain't broke don't fix it"

    From my experience trying out new PS with the patches I love to play on any change or update that's not part of the 4.6 patch which is my fav to play it ends up changing the patch from 4.6 to higher. seen this happen with people wanting similar changes on other servers, In the end they had to revert back fresh revert because it changed the patch.

    Now if there is a design team they can do many different sprite changes or add ons that as long as it corresponds with the 4.6 patch from hair to colors to outfits and more as long as there's a great design team that can pull idea's from the current 4.6 and put them into effect such as a skin on your gear that hides your mane for example.