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Everything posted by Spaghet

  1. How to boost FPS

    I changed mine. Try 120+ It works. Only in the graphics file. Capital letters eveything. In other news do you guys know the command to change the camera angle like in shugo console? There is an option "Raise camera angle" Ingame but it overkills it too much.
  2. How to boost FPS

    You can add D3D9_TRIPPLEBUFFERING = "1" R_TEXTURE_ANISOTROPIC_LEVEL = "8" D3D9_TEXTUREFILTER = "TRILINEAR" R_CONTRAST = "0.55" G_MINFOV = "90" the list. But you have to enable 16x and tripple buffering in nvidia/amd control panel as well. The FOV command works fine.