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Posts posted by Sokar

  1. The main problem is that an event must be balanced...

    for the strongest race and for the weak

    for the top player and the beginner

    for the hardcore player and the casual

    for the pvp player and the pve pleyer

    if not the event will be only for one category of player  and this is fine if there is a good rotation of different event, in my opinion it is a while that we have event that advantage the top pvp player

  2. Hi, one question about Saro set and equip progression:

    I’m a Gladiator full AC set crit socked (1200 crit strike without chanter buff)

    last night i found a sauro commander shoulderplates, and i have see that has only 5 manastone slot max 13 enchant and is not so much strong compared to AC set.... ( at same ench level)

    so isnt Sauro commander set far strong that the AC set? ( ok sauro can be upgraded at 13 ,  AC only 5 but isnt a waste of time?)

    What sould i focus to get stronger? skip sauro and try IS ?


    And why a frind drop a piece of sauro commander that can be enchat at +15? and me only +13?