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Posts posted by pindigo

  1. 3 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


    Did it happen only once? We haven't received any other reports regarding such issue, and we haven't faced it on tests.

    no it happened twice on me already. I lose the bear skills and I return back to normal after dying. first time this happened to me I was forced to use my jester. second time it happened to me I had to wait for the rest of the team to finish all the mobs because I can't do anything.

  2. 10 minutes ago, TheAlmighty said:


    The pictures must be of a good quality, and it is something which will add some points to win so to say. 

    You can surely add your own arts to the screenshots, this is the point to create something by yourself. However, regarding the use of other images, we do not support, and do not allow, such actions, as the competition is completely creative and is aimed on creating something by yourself. 

    thank you for the answer. So we just post the creations on this thread?