either youre a troll or you just dumb.i didnt see many new players in this game.No idea where you saw them but ok.you must be tripping.All the new players i saw were lvl 30 and giving up on the game.Most people dont even reach 65 immagine keep playng.Who return??The population is constantly dropping so who exactly returns??
This is pure truth.And you need to stop lieng to players.The server is not that populated.And a lot of people keep leaving.There will always be people that try the server?Sure ofc.Why not it happens.But to say that they will stay its truly fake.And again the servers are most populated because of old players that are already very geared up with multiple accounts.I saw that myself.
4.6 is mostly pve oriented.So its very likely the few players that are in this server is because of that.Farming farming farming.Very fun.No wonder people leave.