check old pvp videos in 4.6 and u will get the idea some people have difrent play style so make your own the build is ez it tricks if u wanna go full mad man dps or be a little tankier and kill people dont bather your self with stigmas get use to make a good weapon switch becuase its the most important thing after u can get your own stigma build becuase its kinda different form player to another for me i dont pick seigebreaker and punishment becuase i dont like them some people play with them me i dont evvry one have defrent builds make your own build and your own play style and get some exp in pvp and you will enjoy and get some fun thats why people play the game
in pvp u need to focus on M. Accurasy and attack + u play with mace for the magic boost u have 2 skills that scale with magic boost thats why so focus on getting the Ap gear and its better to start with accessory's and weapon so u can do some dmg in genral templar is hard to make it work with bad gear in pvp for pve u can do what u want go sword and sheild and tank thats it u dont need to bayjer your self with the pve gear hp block will do the job + u need to know templar play style some templar go with dps stigmas and some people they play with resist and block stigmas its kinda slow to kill people but it will do the job i played this shit for 7 years only templar i can give u some tips if u want too Bigboss#9844 thats my discord if u wanna know more about playing templar