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Everything posted by Hypnagogix

  1. End-Game Armsfusion

    Should a Ranger have 2 Bows at Endgame? 1 PvE and 1 PvP? Seems kind of wierd... Or should he fuse the best pve bow (SWB) with best pvp Abyss bow (Resplendant) under it? And have 1 bow? Or will it lose its agument benefits? .....
  2. Improving DPS

    Hey, i was wondering what really affects dps (damage per second)? I currently have 1150 Crit Strike \ 3150 Acc (With buffs) so from what i understand its close to the stats cap.. But i just played IS and there was another Ranger (Like me) and we had almost the same total damage, but he had way more Damage Per Second (I used DPSmeter) If i am already close to the stats cap, how can there be such a big difference? What does he have that i dont? More Attack? does it really increases damage that much? P.S he was doing ID Killer so maybe dealing damage to Ides is the reason for this? But still... When comparing with other players (damage only against hyperion).. i was almost at the bottom of the list.. how can this be if my stats are close to cap? Is it because i am a ranger and other clases(magic) will always have more damage i mean.. a gladiator had almost x3 times my damage (i have 1.2mil, he had 3.2 mil) Is there somthing more to it beside Crit Strike and Acc..(as far as i know attack is not a factor - manastones affect only auto-attack damage)
  3. Improving DPS

    ok thanks... i was actually thinking bestial fury cancels focused shots..(dont know why) and i saw it gives 50% more attack... but you say focused shots actually increses damage... well that is something i need to take into consideration...
  4. Improving DPS

    I saw the stigma build in the link but im a bit confused.. I use the full agonizing arrow tree. + silence arrow, sleep arrow. (Its my pvp and pve build cause i dont want to change stigma every time) The build you showed is not using the "strongest" skills, so how can it have most damage? Are they worthless because of the cooldown time? Or the buff skills (bow of blessing, focus shots) are very important? I actually use only bestial fury and aiming, these are my main buff skills... (of course i use also use 100% of the time - food [50 cs, 50 acc], panda candy, cs 120 scroll and courage scroll.) And im never idle.. i click non-stop on every avalible skill...
  5. AC Gear Question

    It seems very hard to gather PVE gear from instances... meanwhile im stuck with the BM gear... How is the AC Gear, if i max Enchant it + put good manastones... how is it compared to other End Game PVE Gear... I'm more into PvP, and getting the Abyss gear is pretty straight forward... but i still need good PVE gear to be a part of Instances that give GP/AP Im asking because i dont want to spend fortune on enchanting the AC if its not that good...
  6. AC Gear Question

  7. AC Gear Question

    I am a Ranger by the way...
  8. Help with Gear Progression (Lv.65+)

    Thanks again... I do feel like its a waste to enchant this gear, but i dont think i have any thing else to do.. I will keep running sauro as much as i can, cause thats the only place to get better pve gear for me at the moment.. Hopfully a mythic bow will show up 👌👌
  9. Help with Gear Progression (Lv.65+)

    Can someone help with making a little order about gear progression after reaching 65. I'm a ranger. I currently have a AC+BM bow, and full BM gear. The only Pve piece I have is a Mythic sauro Shoulderguard that i got from 10 runs.. The problem is that im not sure how to progress further. Beside Sauro, in every other instance (IS, IO..) i fail the gear check, ppl reject me.. so i can only do Sauro again and again... Ok, i can save up AP, GP and cera and eventually buy Abyss Gear... but its still wont be relevant in Pve Instances.. Will ppl accept me if i have full AC gear? It doesnt seem right, cause I'm a dps, so i guess they mainly look at my bow.. Is endlessly grinding Sauro for that mythic bow the only thing to do? Another question is... when ill get the Resplendent (Abyss) bow, should i fuse it with my current (AC+BM) bow? Or fuse it with a mythic one? What is a good option? Hyperion? But then again wont i lose the set effect of the Hyperion/Resplendent Gear? I know its alot of info, but i will very greatful for any help..
  10. Help with Gear Progression (Lv.65+)

    Wow thank you so much. Now things seem clearer.. I know its a pain but i will try to get my bow enchanted as much as i can, cause now its +2, and maybe also the armor. Too bad its not possible to link stats in-game, this way it would be much more accurate to show ppl where you stand. Thanks again 😀
  11. Question about the Dazzling Devination Set

    thanks! that is what i needed to know
  12. Hi. I'm new to the server but not the game. I started a new Elyos character and got the "Dazzling Devination Set" as a gift. I know it suppose to help me level up fast..and it feels very OP at the moment.. but the question is.. until what level is it useful..? Or, what comes next? should i even consider silver, gold (etc...) sets? I used to love getting better gear as I go.. but now i have this powerful set..at what point in the game it will become obsolete? thanks