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  1. bots

    more advertising bots
  2. Kalamari

    More spam for bots
  3. Pay-to-Win & Bye Ratings

    People clearly cant read. The post said that the threat was that if the fraudlent voting didnt end, EuroAion would be removed from the rankings, which would mean that voting is impossible anyway, but the server would also lose a source of publicity. Yes, this isnt an ideal change, I dont think anyone wants it. but so far none of the solutions are practical to make work. Almighty cant affect the voting website, its not a Euroaion thing. Having some complicated code that checks if an account is legit or not would be a big time investment, and would almost certainly be worked around as fast as it was written. It is possible that some other item(untradeable lucky vinna?) could be given instead of Ecoins, but i am sure that people would complain about that aswell, and allocating it to the right character would be a pain. The shop is a different topic really, and while I would prefer that stat boosting titles and candies be removed from the shop, the fact is the server needs income to survive, and im sure some people donate for those things, and the server would make less money without them. Its also frankly unlikely that they are really affecting your competetiveness in any real way, unless you are fully geared.