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Posts posted by LuckyCharm

  1. Проблема в том, что на данный момент есть возможность стоять афк на протяжении всего часа или валяться трупом 30 минут в локации ивента. Люди не участвуют в пвп, а вместо них никто не может зайти. Также если кто-то вылетает или выходит из игры, их место не освобождается для других игроков (судя по наблюдениям за вчерашний день).
    Хотя по описанию ивента, после смерти игроки отправляются на кибелиск и должны заходить в локацию снова.
    Может есть смысл сделать ограничение по времени для реса павших союзников или отредактировать описание ивента?

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  2. Event is just for 20 ppl, maybe 30 at max. The whole hour was spent just waiting for a free spot. But it just doesn't happen because of the following reasons:

    1) People that got in and died can spend all the event time just waiting for res. Nobody can replace that afk dead body.

    2) If somebody enters with a second character of the opposite race, there is no way for kick that person out. He/she can just stay afk for the whole time taking a spot.

    3) If somebody has disconnect, that person doesn't get kicked out at all. Even after he/she leaves the alliance while being offline, there is no free spot for the event.

    Also when people enter, they have to arrange their own groups and alliances. I have already seen some people having small groups and trying to steal the main cake and chests without participating in a fight. Since people form their own groups and alliances, the leader can change drop in any way they want. If there are some "premades" that decide to take everything, they actually can do it.

    My personal experience: 58 minutes of holding to the entrance portal, checking out streams. Is this really the event that we deserve?

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