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Everything posted by Ang

  1. Tempering Solution is never enough!

    this whole event was a big error, but "ending" it like this (yes it's much likely over, despite you saying chances are not 0), with no news, no alerts, just a forum post after the nerf was already live will make a big slice of population to be really angry and/or leave. So many people were buying scrolls (be it kinah or cash, sure it's donation, it's our own responsability..BUT STILL) and they were scheduling to be farming during the weekend, but now they just wasted resources for something no longer needed. So, for a small amount a people who were able to farm 24/7 at day one, they can easily run full +5 and 10b kinah, while the rest have just less kinah/money due to wasting resources on useless scrolls. It would be really appreciated if we could have this "big mistake" back for just 2 days and shut it down on sunday with some information ahead of time. This way you will break economy for a little longer but you will give equal chances in order to farm tempering to hard workers and people who have something else to do other than playing aion. Thanks
  2. Teleport hack/no animation? <- half your flurry, perma active <- second half of flurry + 5% extra, might have been up or not (even for both boxes consering the low cd) <- 8 seconds of madness. proper weaving with capped atk speed can deliver ~30 hits (or even more, dependant on ping) <- perma up, 20% chance to have a free hit. meaning 40% per ~1.1s considering weaving and average ping pretty much all gunner skills can weave better than your (and your ranger mate) soul strike / fang strike chains. Also he probably has atk speed title and +2 atk speed on gloves compared to your gear, which is a whooping lifechanging amount. I've never played with that guy, i was just curious of why he is the MVP of this forum section
  3. Teleport hack/no animation?

    fun fact: "When he comes here he has no legion, in base he is in Menacing" . . . Clearly you have "Hide" on your 28 assassin, and "Show" on your main, since it's pretty clear you have legion cloak but you have no legion name visible