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Posts posted by Linnz

  1. It's not crying if Ely had forts 4 months, and now Asmo have it 8 months, that's twice as long.  It should be reset to Balaur every siege, give everyone a fighting chance to get their PVP gear, or give the faction without the forts another way of getting medals via event or something?

  2. I would like to report Yattle, Elyos player, as per screen shot, swearing at me, this is because I attacked worms in under ground for my daily, apparently we attacked the same mob, he followed me and started insulting me, swearing at me and then saying I have a problem with my eyes.


    I left and looked for other mobs, cos obviously we didn't see each other, he was behind the rock next to the worms, so he swears at me, and I'm thinking what, he attacked my mobs I was attacking, then realised oh well we didn't see each other then, so please assist in sorting this out.  It happens sometimes, people attack same mobs, but no one usually even says anything, it happens.



  3. Worst event ever, so annoying piece of  ........ event, don't ever screw up the server like this again please.  Can't get a single weekly done with these annoying pain in the .... asmos harrassing me, seriously worst pile of  ....... ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Haha 1

  4. Hi,


    I'd like to report a 5star asmo assassin R..., he repeatedly kills and then camps a Rank 3 in lvl 10 starter gear.  How do I report him, I don't know if I'm allowed to say his name here, if it's naming and shaming?  And I wont risk getting banned for naming such a shamefull excuse of a heartless mean person.

  5. Why do certain 1 star to 5 star asmos, and generals kill the same elyos low rank, and not just once for their quest at a garrison, but over and over?


    Are they childish bullies?  Psychopaths?  How can anyone call this PVP?  It's harassment, admin really need to do something, cos why kill the same lvl 64 char in white starter gear over and over, just trying to hand in a quest, where is there any logic in that?  It's probably all males with their testosterone driving them like a pack of wild beasts shredding innocent sweet bunnies for no reason, how do they even get such a horrible mentality?  I don't go squashing ants all day and think ooooh look at me I'm so powerful, it's so dumb and childish.



  6. Hi Admin,


    Is there a way you can have a translator ingame, when people make a recruit group link, it will translate to english, as this is an english server, the people who make links in russian do not even to bother replying when you ask them which instance it is for, and this is not acceptable, how can people play together if they don't even want to tell you which instance it is, it's very rude.  I'm not english either. And it was not like this a few months ago.




  7. 1 hour ago, Airmax said:

    Are you guys crazy?

    The fire destroyed OVH’s SBG2 data center, according to him, and a part of SBG1.

    U dont understand what it mean? There are two data center destroyed. Nothing happens quickly now!

    We can hope that the Admins have a external backup from the server and it need to be up to date

    crazy? why? no idea what any of this means, i am not a tech girl, just hoping for answers thats all :)

  8. Well there are bots, they hang by the same aether node that was supposed to be there, which another player has gathered, you can whisper them, they don't respond.

    These are the same players on broker that are mass producing and driving prices down, I used to love crafting and selling my goods, they have made it pointless.


    I am quitting due to this, I am not the only one.



    • Sad 1

  9. Hi,


    Suggestion, we need more awesome long hairstyles in the shop :D


    1. Squeamish tactical corporal's braided hair

    2.Auburn hair (Two coloured)

    3. Curly ponytails

    4. Long smooth hair (Weda)

    5. Ponytail with a big bow



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