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Posts posted by N3tRunn3r

  1. Hello there,

    I get following Error message when trying to start EuroAion with your latest Launcher.


    I also deleted bin32 and bin64 directories as well as 2_deu and 2_esn directories. No success!



    I have switched from english language to german and successfully started the game. Closed Aion and switched back to english language. It works now!

    Thanks for your time.


  2. Hi,

    as in this screenshot showed, i have got 2 seperated "[Event] Greater Running Scroll" items. Those don't "stack".

    You can see on that screenshot 20x & 47x "[Event] Greater Running Scroll" items. And within my hotbar, those count together as 67.



    BTW & PS,

    this is the best Aion Server I have ever met within past 10~15 years. Your server performances are GREAT!! I am willing to donate you up to 100 EUR!! This rocks, really. But you need to do more advertisements. However, on some sites your server is already on Rank #2, gg!!

    This is a best Aion server and I would like to see more players <333