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2 Neutral
  1. Land badly and free fall Elthen

    what about trying to have an SM to summon you?
  2. Shop items

    ID: 110901571 Ascended Archangel Outfit ID: 110901357 [Title] Capable ID: 110901118 Honor Guard Costume Items are missing in the game client. Adding these items to the game store is not possible.
  3. Shop items

    Hello, Please add this missing nurse to the shop ID: 110901382 Sultry Nurse Outfit Items are missing in the game client. Adding these items to the game store is not possible.
  4. American players

    I am asmo, and I used to drive the tank for all my legion runs.
  5. Character creation is giving me epilepsy

    I've had it before in the retail na version.....I don't remember what I finally did to fix it. However try changing the graphics engine to default or running it as a window instead of full screen. Then once done with creating a toon change it back and you should be good to go.
  6. American players

    I stopped playing when 7 hit. Makes me wanna know what server/toon you were there.....
  7. American players

    agree, I average 200 from west coast US.