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Everything posted by szujehame

  1. Teaming in Glory Arena

    You dislike me because i was farming you in campaign gear, that's for sure. Also what you said makes zero sense on glory, you don't even know how this arena works. No wonder you need to co-op with 2 peope, cuz one person is not enough for you to win
  2. Teaming in Glory Arena

    What a coincidence. I meet them today too, and they were on the same arena! How weird right? For the next arena they called sm from their legion to help them cuz they lost the first one. I must admit, it was pretty funny how they were trying to act like they are not co-oping by using some damage skills on each other from time to time and instantly jumping on me once I was out of hide. Sadly I don't have video evidence this time. The only thing he learned from his ban is to make co-oping less obvious. So this punishment clearly does not work. I hope you will punish people harder for this and catch those that join together the same arena on regular basis.
  3. The Cleansing of North Katalam

    What gameplay, i only see more of the same. Farming people with campaign gear
  4. The Cleansing of North Katalam

    This is probably the most dull pvp video i ever saw in my life. But posts here are comedy gold so thats a + from me!