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Everything posted by NewPlayer123

  1. Engulfed Ophidan Bridge

    Why there is no entry for Engulfed Ophidan Bridge at 12pm with Terath Dredions? On retail there was entry at 12-14am 18-20pm and 12-2pm
  2. Engulfed Ophidan Bridge

    @TheAlmighty I mean there is no entry at 12am-2am ( 24:00-2:00) and back on retail there was entry at this time with terath dreds
  3. PVP Ranking

    Thats sucks because retarded people keep passing arenas and i have no enemies...
  4. PVP Ranking

    How does this "top players" ranking works? Im wondering how this ranking works because i went for 1v1 i got no enemies and it counted it as a lost or what? I was top 15 156k points and nothing changed after this arena with out enemies
  5. PVP Ranking

    Yeah i know but u get no points for pvp ranking when u have no enemies?
  6. Fire Dragon Kings Weapons

    Could you add Fire Dragon Kings Weapons skins to item shop? I see fire dragon king shield in item shop but why no others weapons
  7. Hello how about making both races have acces to upper abbys instances? No matter which races have fortes like gameforge did it in 4.6 patch before 4.7? These instances are very useful especially for new players like (me ceraniums medal ap and manastones that are very rare). I think that is good idea to help new players and help manastones economic on server which is not to good.