Hello i know how its works (i mean exacly) first it exsist only broken 4.8 version first step is to fix it next one is at 4.8 its a new skill system but i can handle it like i take 4 clerics for aoe dispel and last one is its enough take ppl with hyperion gear or lower (ancient coin set) special here is a good leader who knows all steps i will make videos on youtube how to do it <3
Hello if it's possible to patch makarna on 4.6 will be nice its my favorite instanz all time its ok if you take that gear out and put manastones or what ever in
i need the exact stats to build the best gear for all this bosses
i know how all guys build gear for kata or something like that
but it is not exactly
and all Data base only show me HP and M.Supp but i need crit strike and Phsy-Def