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Posts posted by Meteoe

  1. Strange, that's exaclty the same things I heard about feathers a week ago. Since the event of the boxes in Katalam, new players will never be able to do anything since players who were there for snowballs and this event have their feathers. But people that have been playing since the begining are the only one to say this situation is normal.

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  2. I'm sorry, but you just proved me that people did not complain about the tempering solution, but how you tried to give them to players. The content wasn't the prob, but the way you included them. You just allowed geared people to get even stronger. You could add an event that allows EVERYONE to get them, not only overgeared players.

    You can check by yourself on what exaclty people complained in the comments, I just read them. The content wasn't the prob, the way it was given yes.

  3. It should takes time to gear up ? Excuse me to say that, but your server is opened since November or December 2019 if I'm not wrong, and still seing feathers is still super rare on anybody. Gear up shouldn't take 2 years, this is not how you gonna make your server last longer. Even in 2 years with the actual set up I'm not sure to see anybody with a feather anyway... Plus, I would like a link to the post where people were complaning about the tempering solution being "too easy" to get with a 0,5 drop, because I've never hearded about that in game. 

    EDIT : I do not want you to add too much serums, it would of course be a problem. But not doing anything to include it is also a mistake, the game was also build around this item. Simple changes to the drop rate or anything can do something for this situation (ofc, I'm not talking about an upgrade of 5% of already nothing). It doesn't take time to have a feather, this is simply, impossible at this moment. 

  4. Hello everyone, I'm a player who joined the server I would say a month or 2 ago. 
    I left live server like most of you for many reasons (Gameforge taking us for milking cows kuf kuf...), but I have a problem with the server if we can say that. This message is mainly for moderators of the server and owners. 
    Feathers are part of the 4.6 Aion, but atm this is impossible to create one on the server, players with feather are a rare species. Few players have one lvl 2, maybe 3 on one guy but I'm not even sure of that. The problem is that I'm there to do high content (hello Danuar Reliquary). 
    I'm a magical class, sorcerer, You can close your eyes in Hyperion about hp of your clerics and chanters, because you know, it's hyperion in 4.6. But you can't in Rhunadium, and that's good. But not when they can't have access to an important part of optimization. 
    On the live most of the feathers were upgraded thanks to the cash sh.. Veteran rewards :) But events like the rize one we have actually will never allow us to do so. The amount of serums are way too low to imagine this, without mentionning the 300M prices practiced on the elyos side. We did not all got access to the insane rewards of streaming for 0 viewers to gain 4000 Ecoins. 

    Now that the situation is set up, is there anything planed to allow us to use something that is part of the 4.6 ? Events ? Changing rates of drops ? Changing rates of success on feathers ? 
    This post is not a critic, you did not included serums in the shop which is really good, otherwise I think I wouldn't have joined the server. But serums needs to be included in the game, actual rates are not enough. 
    Thanks for taking time to read me, I hope to receive a positive answer, and maybe opinions of the other players that are also concerned by this.