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  1. Спойлер

    8 Reasons

    - for every little fight we had, no matter what the reason was or who was right, because you are not afraid to search for conflict in order to make me realise things of importance

    - for giving me every chance to be who I want to be, accepting every choice I made, even though you didn't like them, taking yourself a step back to see me improve or fail, and afterwards cheering me on or up again

    - for being the strong willed independent person you are, never failing to show your love for the ones you care about, your clear headed analysis of things you are asked about and your ability to always be the person I can depend on

    - for always voicing out your opinion, not cowering behind easy lies or unspoken words

    - for pissing me of as hard as no other could do, because you see me slacking and you envision better things or higher ceilings for me, even though im too lazy to reach them, constantly reminding me that there is someone out there who thinks I could do better while accepting I am (currently) not

    - for making me laugh and cringe so hard when you (repeatedly) fail to properly use "new" devices and type "oktober" instead of "ok" cause autocorrect is simply too stronk

    - for accepting that I sometimes am an asshole, not calling, not reacting to texts, avoiding all together. For being able to take my slightly insutlive or sharp words without getting hurt by them cause you know where they come from, or being able to respond just in kind

    - for still being interested in me, still wanting the best for me, still caring for me and still loving me with all your heart. Thank you for being the person and the place I will always be able to call home.

    and even though you might never hear those words from my mouth, I still know its okay, because you know me better than anyone else and you know how I feel by simply hugging me

    I love you mom

    Bumsklumpen - Asmo

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