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Everything posted by XxJibril

  1. Blue quest markers

    Hello, I was leveling my new character when i inadvertently leveled up too much (lv25) and came back to Altgard only to find that the blue quests all over the maps and NPCs disappeared... I remember the official server at some point, they added an box in the Options -> Additional Functions, that people could check/uncheck to make the quest markers visible/invisible. Is it possible to add the toggle-able option to show/hide blue quests on the map/mini-map and on top of NPC's heads so that even after a certain level difference, the quests can still be visible for those, like me, who enjoy doing them ? If i were to be greedy, i want to ask if it's possible to add other blue quest related QoLs like: -the blue quest marker being visible near the monster's name and also next to it's health bar, it made identifying the monsters we need to kill much easier, -adding a green light shining on top of quest objects that need to be collected, again just makes them easier to find. The quests being hidden is the real handicap for players who want to finish everything before moving on to other maps and it would be great if you could give us the option to make them visible again, the other features i mentioned are just quality of life options that i thought were very helpful on the official server.
  2. Argint time table for 2024

    man this is why i love Aion it's great to see people care about obscure, forgotten content like this one thanks for the guide!