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Everything posted by Mickymausi

  1. EuroAion Tutorials

    so I have a new video but this is completely uncut and without sound because it was not planned as a tutorial but only as a supplement to the video over here so ich hab ein Neues Video dieses ist aber komplett Uncut und ohne Ton da es nicht als Tutorial geplan war sondern nur als Ergänzung zu dem Video hier drüber Here would be a video of how I do the ID killer in Kata/IS from below as well as in the video above only here I do it as a Melee Sorc and I have to honestly say I never want to do it any other way it is so relaxed and much easier than from the side line Hier wäre ein Video wie ich in Kata/IS den ID-Killer mache von unten wie auch im oberen Video nur hier mache ich es als Melee Sorc und ich muss ganz ehrlich sagen ich möchte es nie wieder anders machen es ist so entspannt und viel einfacher als von der Seiten Line
  2. EuroAion Tutorials

    Welcome to my tutorial post. I will be publishing lots of tutorials here in the future to encourage people to try new things or, for example, to reduce the shortage of Sinway. I've been toying with the idea of doing something like this for a while, but it's all been delayed because my video editing skills aren't very good. Willkommen in meinem Tutorial Post hier werde ich in Zukunft viele Tutorials veröffentlich um einfach den Leute Mut zu machen neues aus zu probieren und oder zb. die Sinway Knappheit zu reduzieren ich Spiele schon länger mit dem Gedanken sowas zu machen hat sich nur alles verzögert da meine Künste in Video schnitt nicht sehr toll sind. First I'll start with a German tutorial, the English part is still in progress because my English is really not good. As long as the English video is not there, you can still watch the video to remember the way and just follow me Hallo ich Starte hier mit einem Sinway Tutorial mit der Klasse Chanter/Kantor um einfach zu zeigen wie einfach das ist dies auch ohne Hide zu machen. Alle anderen folgenden Informationen erfahrt ihr dann von mir in dem Video vielen dank fürs angucken und ich hoffe ich kann euch damit helfen und im besten fall zum nachmachen animieren.
  3. Dred Lead better Ping

    I am fully aware that it is my own fault, but it happens to me every now and then that I accidentally leave the group when handing over the lead, and since I am from Germany, the probability of having a better ping than others is very high. Therefore, it would be very nice if you could ensure that the person who creates the group can simply keep their lead if they are ported to the dred.
  4. Dred Lead better Ping

    Is there a possibility that the group doesn't have to be rebuilt at all? Can we try to pursue this point?
  5. Dred Lead better Ping

    Happy New Year yes but why are the groups put together in kamar and IWW exactly as they were registered when registering? How does the system know that? Then the system should also know who the leader was or you can remove the leave button. No problem but it annoys me that it happens to me so often
  6. Client Problem

    I know that the problem was with the server because it mistakenly saved the DLL back without any content, but this problem could still be solved by deleting and reinstalling. I didn't deny that a solution from the admins was necessary in the long term.
  7. Client Problem

    a few minutes later you replied a whole 90 minutes later that the problem had been fixed. and the file that was marked as an error was 0KB in my folder, which was obviously a file error and in addition it is a file that is loaded onto the server when Aion starts and then disappears from the folder. so yes it was a server error that the last time it went offline it saved this empty file back to the folder. but for a quick solution it was easy to delete this file and have the client reinstall it. and then come back again a few minutes later a few minutes is 5-10 minutes but not 90 minutes I got positive feedback straight away in-game and on Discord in under 5 minutes so it is unlikely that you could have been faster and if you were then contact the people in the forum and tell them that you are working on it and don't just keep quiet
  8. Client Problem

    I wouldn't say that because it solved my problem and I got a lot of whispers that other players' problems were also solved by it. I also had people on Discord who said that it solved the problem. I realize that I can't solve the problem from the developer's side now, that's your responsibility, but I can offer a short-term solution until your team finds and fixes the problem.
  9. Client Problem

    Well, if the problem has been solved, I'm happy, but why did you have to delete my post? Can't you just say thank you?
  10. EuroAion Tutorials

    This isn't a proper tutorial but maybe it will help someone to do ID killers from below or to dare to do it. I keep seeing how ID killers are responsible for kata fails and yet it's so easy. Das ist kein Richtiges Tutorial aber vielleicht hilft es ja dem ein oder anderen ID-Killer von unten zu machen bzw. sich zu trauen dies mal zu machen. Ich sehe immer wieder wie ID-Killer für Kata Fails verantwortlich sind und dabei ist es so einfach. Unfortunately, I still can't get the English dubbing right because my English is really not good. I would need a script for everything to read and that is very cumbersome, so I ask those who don't speak German to watch the video and, if possible, just copy me. Englische Vertonung bekomme ich leider immer noch nicht hin da mein englisch wirklich nicht gut ist ich bräuchte für alles ein Skript zum ablesen und das ist sehr umständlich daher bitte ich den nicht deutschsprachigen das Video zu gucken und mir im bestenfalls einfach nachmachen
  11. [Event] Beritra Grand Invasion!

    I have an important question about the calculation of GP. It would be nice if the admins could comment on this. Yesterday, October 20th, 2024, I got 58 GP as a DMG chanter. Shiseydo as a DMG cleric in the top 10 on the whole boss got 78 GP and an Aethertech who did the least damage of the three of us got 98 GP. How can that be????
  12. [Event] Beritra Grand Invasion!

    Now we have the problem that a union is limited to 192 players and there are more players taking part. I mean the reward is completely awful bad. I go solo for the GP but now there are two unions that are stealing the reward from each other.
  13. [Event] Beritra Grand Invasion!

    I think it's good that there are finally new events but the loot is already ridiculous Fine Recovery Potion x10 Fine Recovery Serum x10 Mystic flux box Manastone Box Gleaming balaur material box what is this garbage this is not an afk event this is an event that takes place once a day the server is 5 years old what we need is something new maybe the real 4.7 invasion and not the
  14. New Skins

    [item: 101501440] [item: 101701438] [item: 100901459] [item: 100501384] [item: 102001320] [item: 100001897] [item: 101301347] [item: 100101424] [item: 100601503] [item: 101901198] [item: 101801292] [item: 102101136] Unfortunately, I can't find the forum post where you post the new things you want. but we absolutely need the Luminiel weapon skins which skin would also be really nice if TF weapons are in the game that we also have the TU weapons in the shop. please please please hear me [item: 100501092] [item: 101900848] [item: 100101104] [item: 100601148] [item: 101701129] [item: 101301037] [item: 100901100] [item: 100201246] [item: 102100742] [item: 102000882] [item: 101501118] [item: 101800850] [item: 100001407]
  15. [Event] Save the Harvest!

    sorry but the event is just really unnecessary, there is nothing special inside, no dual mana stones, no serums, no god stones. Balaur materials seriously now??? I'll go for 1x TF and have more. The Tia raid gives better reward than the gold chest sets the cost of gold chest down to 10 and then it's an ok event but still unnecessary
  16. Shop items

    [item: 101501440] [item: 101701438] [item: 100901459] [item: 100501384] [item: 102001320] [item: 100001897] [item: 101301347] [item: 100101424] [item: 100601503] [item: 101901198] [item: 101801292] [item: 102101136] Unfortunately, I can't find the forum post where you post the new things you want. but we absolutely need the Luminiel weapon skins which skin would also be really nice if TF weapons are in the game that we also have the TU weapons in the shop. please please please hear me [item: 100501092] [item: 101900848] [item: 100101104] [item: 100601148] [item: 101701129] [item: 101301037] [item: 100901100] [item: 100201246] [item: 102100742] [item: 102000882] [item: 101501118] [item: 101800850] [item: 100001407]
  17. [Event] Lucky Snowflake!

    Könntet Ihr nicht lieber mal geile Skins oder manasteine in die events bringen statt Gear weil man soll sich doch das Gear etc erfarmen und nicht erkaufen können auf asmo seite gibts doch schon eh viel zu viele Kata/IS fails bitte unterschützt das nicht wings sind ok aber waffe und Rüstung ist doof und wenn sowas drinne ist was machen klassen wie Chanter oder Aethertech damit die das gear nicht brauchen wo es besseres gear in anderen inis gibt?
  18. Healing boost Cleric and Chanter

    erstmal auf deutsch: Mir ist aufgefallen das es viel zu viele Cleric's und Chanter gibt die auf TP = HP Sockeln deswegen möchte ich in dem Post einfach mal erklären wie op eigentlich healingboost = Heilverstärkung Gear ist. zu erstmal wie funktioniert Healingboost = Heilverstärkung: Healingboost geht immer vom Grund Heal wert aus das wäre zb. beim Cleric der Heilende Wind 2040 wieso ich das erwähne ist weil Cleric eine passive hat die den Heal um 20% erhöht Rechnung folgt gleich. 1 Healing boost erhöht den Heal um 0,1% ein max Healingboost Cleric kommt auf 361 Healingboost unbufft das ist eine Heal Erhöhung von 36,1%. wir haben einen Grundwert von 2040 bei heilender wind deswegen machen wir erstmal die passive 2040 + 20% = 2448 das ist schonmal was jeder Cleric ohne Healingboost heilt. dann jetzt der Healingboost wert wir hab ja schon mitbekommen das ein max Cleric unbufft eine Heal Erhöhung von 36,1% hat also rechnen wir 2040 + 36,1% = 2776 jetzt müssen wir den extra Heal von der passiven was bei heilenden Wind 408 sind + den extra Heal durch die Healingboost nehmen was 736 wären also 408 + 736 = 1144 mehr Heal nur weil man Healingboost Sockelt also heilt jeder heilenden wind unbufft 3184 TP=HP und das ist ziemlich op eigentlich wenn man bedenkt das Cleric noch das Stigma Wohlwollen hat was den Healingboost Wert noch mal um 250 erhöht also ein gesamt Healingboost mit perma buffs ( ohne Amplifikation ) 611 wären was ein eine permanente Heal Erhöhung von 61,1% auf alle heals sind nur durchs Gear. ich Rechne nochmal mit perma buffs: 2040 + 20% ( wegen der passiven ) = 2448 beim heilenden wind 2040 + 61,1% ( nur perma buffs wie wohlwollen ) = 3286 beim heilenden wind jetzt rechen wir den wert von 61,1% = 1246 + 20% = 408 = 1654 also heilt ein heilender wind mit perma buffs und Healingboost Gear 3694 TP=HP ich hoffe ich konnte euch somit mal erklären wie viel Healingboost ausmacht und konnte euch eine Healingboost Sockelung auf Cleric und Chanter schmackhaft machten Sollten noch fragen sein gerne unter diesen Post schreiben ich werde alles beantworten. mit freundlichen grüßen Asmo Chanter Victini
  19. [Event] Boiling Point!

    am I for or something like sauro 8 key to bring in as an event that you have to work things out and not such combination shit
  20. GP Reset

    I think the server has reached an old age where you can do a GP reset because the GP are not cashed it shouldn't hurt anyone. A GP reset is important because EUROAION is getting more and more players and you are slowly no longer able to catch up with general and co. The players should not stop playing because you cannot Cashen it is impossible now and in the future TOP 30 + to become. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ich denke der server hat mittlerweile ein alter erreicht wo man mal ein gp reset durchführen kann da die GP nicht ercasht sind sollte es keinem wehtun. Ein GP reset ist wichtig da EUROAION immer mehr Spieler bekommt und man langsam nicht mehr in der Lage ist General und co einzuholen sollten die Spieler nicht aufhören zu Spielen da man nicht Cashen kann ist es somit unmöglich stand jetzt und in der zukunft noch TOP 30 + zu werden.
  21. GP Reset

    yes soft reset is ok but not so that one says with all 50% but with TOP 30 that up to 60% with the governor that would be ok because the big GP distances have to be shortened. and EUROAION TEAM I say it again the people did not cash the GP like back then at GAMEFORGE you can just reset or soft reset
  22. GP Reset

    the people did not cash the rank and to be honest 5 * first it takes at least 2 months. General is again 3-5 months and beyond that it is simply not possible as long as they play actively and these GP differences have to go away because otherwise it will be for new players or for players who change their character it is impossible to get up there. do me a favor log in to EUROAION and look at the big gaps between the GP
  23. GP Reset

    no that is not enough because you only have 30gp difference between 5 * and TOP30 in the loss
  24. Shop items

    Pls put the item in the shop http://aiondatabase.net/de/item/188053547/ http://aiondatabase.net/de/item/101501464/ /// and all associated weapons. Unfortunately there is no box like the fire dragon weapon http://aiondatabase.net/us/item/165020021/ It is not possible to enter these items into the game store.
  25. fortress areas for max GP

    I would just like to start a discussion here about the actual fortress range where the ap brings something I have attached maps myself so that you can have a look at how I come to my assumption I tested it with the sm teleport since you are not porting to fortress areas can with the skill I am simply with sm as long as the paths ran until the skill became usable and thus I am of the opinion that the fortress area stops at the points